Monday, August 10, 2015

One Week Left :(

How is it that there is only one week of summer left?!  Last time I checked my calendar, it was July 4th!  Since my last post, my brain has been go-go-go with ideas for school.  I haven't been posting as much since I have been doing all those last minute things we teachers do before school starts, like cleaning my house (since we all know it won't get cleaned till Thanksgiving break, haha!), scour Pinterest for all sorts of ideas for the new school year, think about Back To School Night (what should I wear?!), etc.  I've also been doing some printing and creating a planner for myself.  Like many of you, I haven't been able to find a planner that I absolutely love that has everything I want, so this year I decided to try making my own and using the Staples Arc system to keep it all together.  We shall see how that goes.

I've also been trying to cram in as much time as possible with my girls and husband!  My parents actually took the girls this past weekend so that Ben and I could belatedly celebrate our 5th anniversary, which was back in July.  We were supposed to go to the beach but Ben wasn't able to get off work so we had a staycation and ended up doing a lot of stuff around the house.  I did a TON of cleaning so that I could spend my last week with my babies and not the vacuum.  I can't wait to see their smiling faces later today!

Sorry it's sideways but they're showing their Eric Carle love!


I am hoping that once we get into our school routine I can get back to my TpT products and keep blogging.  I want to use this blog as a way to remember my moments in teaching, the funny things my students say, the OMG moments, everything.  So that on the days I wonder why in the world I chose this profession, I can look back and remember.  So fingers crossed that I can keep up with this!

Happy Back to School everyone!

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