I've also been trying to cram in as much time as possible with my girls and husband! My parents actually took the girls this past weekend so that Ben and I could belatedly celebrate our 5th anniversary, which was back in July. We were supposed to go to the beach but Ben wasn't able to get off work so we had a staycation and ended up doing a lot of stuff around the house. I did a TON of cleaning so that I could spend my last week with my babies and not the vacuum. I can't wait to see their smiling faces later today!

Sorry it's sideways but they're showing their Eric Carle love!
I am hoping that once we get into our school routine I can get back to my TpT products and keep blogging. I want to use this blog as a way to remember my moments in teaching, the funny things my students say, the OMG moments, everything. So that on the days I wonder why in the world I chose this profession, I can look back and remember. So fingers crossed that I can keep up with this!
Happy Back to School everyone!
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