Wow, two months since my last post. School has been unreal this year, trying to get into my routine there and my routine at home now with two little ones. It's really hard to be wife, mom, teacher, housekeeper, cook, errand runner, driver, many hats to wear all at once. So overwhelming.
Now that we are two months into school, I am hoping to get back to my TpT store, little by little. I am hoping to work on new products a little bit each night and get them into the store. But then I'm usually tired and go to bed instead lol. You get me, right?
So moms and teachers, how do you do it? How do you do it all? I feel so overwhelmed that I feel like I'm not doing any one thing well. Like I'm being pulled in too many directions and can't focus on one thing. It's hard, harder than I imagined.
Anyways, thanks for listening blogger friends. Sometimes it helps just to talk, ya know?
Hope you all have a great week!
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Friday, August 14, 2015
My last Friday of Summer
Hi friends, I am sad to say that it is my last Friday of summer. How does time fly by in the summer but then slows down once school starts?! So not fair!
Yesterday my team came over for a little planning session before school starts. It was good to see everyone though we were annoyed we had to talk about school instead of just hanging out, haha. In the week leading up to the meeting I did a lot of cleaning and organizing so now I have the whole weekend to do nothing! Well, all the nothing that moms do. I am hoping to catch up on my blog reading, blog a little bit, make a Costco run, do some birthday shopping for my mother-in-law, finish my book, and load my car up with all of my stuff to go back to school. I'm also hoping to go in to school on Sunday for an hour or two just to do a few things so that I can hit the ground running on Monday. All while soaking up as much time as possible with my girls!
I'm hoping to start working on my next TpT product...have any ideas for me? I'm thinking about making some Bingo games. My students LOVE bingo and it is such a great game that can be adapted for many subjects and lessons. Thoughts?
Enjoy your last few days of summer teacher friends! Let's all hope I remember to set my alarm on Monday...
Yesterday my team came over for a little planning session before school starts. It was good to see everyone though we were annoyed we had to talk about school instead of just hanging out, haha. In the week leading up to the meeting I did a lot of cleaning and organizing so now I have the whole weekend to do nothing! Well, all the nothing that moms do. I am hoping to catch up on my blog reading, blog a little bit, make a Costco run, do some birthday shopping for my mother-in-law, finish my book, and load my car up with all of my stuff to go back to school. I'm also hoping to go in to school on Sunday for an hour or two just to do a few things so that I can hit the ground running on Monday. All while soaking up as much time as possible with my girls!
I'm hoping to start working on my next TpT product...have any ideas for me? I'm thinking about making some Bingo games. My students LOVE bingo and it is such a great game that can be adapted for many subjects and lessons. Thoughts?
Enjoy your last few days of summer teacher friends! Let's all hope I remember to set my alarm on Monday...
Monday, August 10, 2015
One Week Left :(
How is it that there is only one week of summer left?! Last time I checked my calendar, it was July 4th! Since my last post, my brain has been go-go-go with ideas for school. I haven't been posting as much since I have been doing all those last minute things we teachers do before school starts, like cleaning my house (since we all know it won't get cleaned till Thanksgiving break, haha!), scour Pinterest for all sorts of ideas for the new school year, think about Back To School Night (what should I wear?!), etc. I've also been doing some printing and creating a planner for myself. Like many of you, I haven't been able to find a planner that I absolutely love that has everything I want, so this year I decided to try making my own and using the Staples Arc system to keep it all together. We shall see how that goes.
I've also been trying to cram in as much time as possible with my girls and husband! My parents actually took the girls this past weekend so that Ben and I could belatedly celebrate our 5th anniversary, which was back in July. We were supposed to go to the beach but Ben wasn't able to get off work so we had a staycation and ended up doing a lot of stuff around the house. I did a TON of cleaning so that I could spend my last week with my babies and not the vacuum. I can't wait to see their smiling faces later today!
I am hoping that once we get into our school routine I can get back to my TpT products and keep blogging. I want to use this blog as a way to remember my moments in teaching, the funny things my students say, the OMG moments, everything. So that on the days I wonder why in the world I chose this profession, I can look back and remember. So fingers crossed that I can keep up with this!
Happy Back to School everyone!
I've also been trying to cram in as much time as possible with my girls and husband! My parents actually took the girls this past weekend so that Ben and I could belatedly celebrate our 5th anniversary, which was back in July. We were supposed to go to the beach but Ben wasn't able to get off work so we had a staycation and ended up doing a lot of stuff around the house. I did a TON of cleaning so that I could spend my last week with my babies and not the vacuum. I can't wait to see their smiling faces later today!

Sorry it's sideways but they're showing their Eric Carle love!
I am hoping that once we get into our school routine I can get back to my TpT products and keep blogging. I want to use this blog as a way to remember my moments in teaching, the funny things my students say, the OMG moments, everything. So that on the days I wonder why in the world I chose this profession, I can look back and remember. So fingers crossed that I can keep up with this!
Happy Back to School everyone!
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Last Day for the Back to School Sale!
Today is the last day for the Back to School sale at Teacher's Pay Teachers! Only 8 hours and 30 minutes left! Don't forget to check out my store!
Monday, August 3, 2015
New Product, Just in Time for the TpT Sale!
Hi friends! I'm so excited to have my newest product up and ready for the TpT Back to School Sale! My store is 20% off for today and tomorrow only, so it's a great time to get some things you've been eying! You can check out my store here!
My newest product is a favorite in my classroom! I'm all about creating student writings that can then go in our class library for awhile. The students love to read each other's writing and sometimes I even have to "ban" the books for awhile because they are fighting over them! I love watching students see their peers read their writing...that little glow of pride they have on their face is priceless!
My newest product for sale has to do with writing and it is Monthly Writing Journals! Duh duh duh duhhhhhh!!! I like to put out two writing journals each month for students to use during Work on Writing time. I add a page in the front of each journal with a class list and students cross off their name when they have finished their story. I also write my story first as an example for the students. Students have all month long to write their story and illustrate a picture. At the end of the month I put the journals in our classroom library and the students read them all year long! They love reading each other's work.
There are two ways you can use these writing prompts to create the journals. You can print out the prompts that are two to a page and glue each one on a notebook for students to use or you can print out the prompts that are one to a page and add writing pages for the students. I like to print each prompt on a single page and add the writing pages so that I can use the paper with handwriting lines. As the year goes on I transition from handwriting lines to regular writing lines. I also like to add the paper with the picture box so students have a place for an illustration.
My newest product is a favorite in my classroom! I'm all about creating student writings that can then go in our class library for awhile. The students love to read each other's writing and sometimes I even have to "ban" the books for awhile because they are fighting over them! I love watching students see their peers read their writing...that little glow of pride they have on their face is priceless!
My newest product for sale has to do with writing and it is Monthly Writing Journals! Duh duh duh duhhhhhh!!! I like to put out two writing journals each month for students to use during Work on Writing time. I add a page in the front of each journal with a class list and students cross off their name when they have finished their story. I also write my story first as an example for the students. Students have all month long to write their story and illustrate a picture. At the end of the month I put the journals in our classroom library and the students read them all year long! They love reading each other's work.
There are two ways you can use these writing prompts to create the journals. You can print out the prompts that are two to a page and glue each one on a notebook for students to use or you can print out the prompts that are one to a page and add writing pages for the students. I like to print each prompt on a single page and add the writing pages so that I can use the paper with handwriting lines. As the year goes on I transition from handwriting lines to regular writing lines. I also like to add the paper with the picture box so students have a place for an illustration.

So if you have a few minutes, check out my newest product! Hopefully you can use it in your classroom this year. Don't forget, my Monthly Writing Journals are on sale today and tomorrow along with the rest of my TpT Store!
Friday, July 31, 2015
Five for Friday: July 31st Edition

Hi friends! It's Friday and you know what that means...linky party with Doodle Bugs Teaching! Here are my top five from this week...
1. I just got home from two back to back vacations! Vacation #1 was in Tampa...long story short I was supposed to go to Texas with my inlaws to introduce my husband's family to our girls but before we left Ben's grandmother passed away. So instead of Texas we all went to Tampa for her funeral and as sad as it was, it was also wonderful family time. The day after I got back from Tampa I headed to the beach with the babies to hang out with my parents for a few days! You can read about my vacations here on my family blog.

2. My hair seems to finally be growing! My hair was getting pretty long and my girls had started grabbing at things (mainly my hair) so at the end of June I got it cut. I told the girl shoulder length, kind of like a long bob...she must've not heard the shoulder part because it was chin length. I can finally pull it back into a pony tail meaning it's growing out!
3. I have two weeks of summer vacation left but school is already starting to take over my brain. I am already thinking about how I want to set up my room next year, what I need to make/buy, needing to go to Ikea, making my pins on my Pinterest boards become a reality, getting some more items up on my TpT store. My brain is going full blast! I am sure my fellow teachers know what I mean! I am hoping to remember to buy a notebook at Target today so I can start writing all of this stuff down and hopefully free up some brain space.
4. Teacher T-Shirts...have you seen these before?! A few teachers last year had some of her shirts and I really wanted a first grade one and I finally ordered one yesterday! And I ended up getting not one but two! Check them out...she has a ton of super cute shirts!

The black one says "I <3 My First Graders" and the blue one says "Kindergarten is SO last year...First Grade Rocks!"
5. I'm excited to take part in the TpT Back to School sale that's happening August 3rd-4th! This will be my first sale so if you've wishlisted anything, make sure to grab it then! Everything is 20% off in my store. I am working really hard on getting my newest product up by then! I'm working on some writing journal prompts for whole class writing. These prompts can be glued onto a notebook or be made into a notebook with paper. I set out two a month for students to write in and when the month is over, I put the notebooks in our classroom library for the students to read the rest of the year. They love them! This year I'm cutesifying them in hopes that someone else would like them (and pay a few bucks for them haha!)

Cover under construction for my newest product.

Peek at some of my writing prompts!
That's it! My Five for Friday! Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to check out my store during the TpT Back to School Sale!
Monday, July 20, 2015
All About Me! book for Back To School
As I sit here looking at the date, I keep thinking, "Ugh, I'm going to be back to school in less than one month!" and yet, I'm already thinking of what I need to get for my classroom, or things to print off, or products I want to upload to my TpT store. Why is it that teachers can never turn their brains off, even in the summer?
I have been a little slower making and uploading products the past week or so. My husband's grandmother passed away last week so we have been working through that and preparing to travel (she lived in Texas). I also keep getting distracted by two cuties who happen to live with me ;) Trying to soak up every second of summer with them!
I've also been working on a book for back to school time that has taken me awhile and I FINALLY finished it! I have used similar books in the past but none ever had exactly what I wanted so I made my own. This is a 15 page book that comes with a cover and a table of contents. It's a great way to get students started off with non-fiction writing at the beginning of the school year and what better to have them write about than themselves? I like to have my students complete a page each morning for their morning work while I take attendance, look through backpacks, make sure lunch boxes are where they need to be, etc. It is perfect for occupying students while I deal with the beginning of the year know what I mean? (And all the teachers said AMEN!)
Since primary grades have varying degrees of writers, I created a few different versions of the All About Me! book. My product includes a book with blank lines, a book with handwriting lines, a book with blank lines and sentence starters, and a book with handwriting lines and sentence starters. So there's a book for everyone! Click here to take a look!
I have been a little slower making and uploading products the past week or so. My husband's grandmother passed away last week so we have been working through that and preparing to travel (she lived in Texas). I also keep getting distracted by two cuties who happen to live with me ;) Trying to soak up every second of summer with them!
I've also been working on a book for back to school time that has taken me awhile and I FINALLY finished it! I have used similar books in the past but none ever had exactly what I wanted so I made my own. This is a 15 page book that comes with a cover and a table of contents. It's a great way to get students started off with non-fiction writing at the beginning of the school year and what better to have them write about than themselves? I like to have my students complete a page each morning for their morning work while I take attendance, look through backpacks, make sure lunch boxes are where they need to be, etc. It is perfect for occupying students while I deal with the beginning of the year know what I mean? (And all the teachers said AMEN!)
Since primary grades have varying degrees of writers, I created a few different versions of the All About Me! book. My product includes a book with blank lines, a book with handwriting lines, a book with blank lines and sentence starters, and a book with handwriting lines and sentence starters. So there's a book for everyone! Click here to take a look!

Happy Monday everyone!
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